I don't understand some peculiar behaviour with our people.
If this article hurts some one, iam sorry.I cant do any thing for that. I just expressing my concern about the society.
For hundreds of year there was social discrimination existed in India, even today in some parts. People in all the sects of the society are improving a lot. As the society developed almost in most of the town and big panchyat unions most of the children got education(not all). One behaviour was found among the backward caste students. The started to hate the FC. They claim that their great grand father was treated like a worm by the fc's. of course this is a fact, but they are not treated like that, the same backward caste students get more benefit from the society starting from school fees to employment reservation. But still they have hart ed feelings towards fc's. They are ready to show love towards Americans, who 30 years ago joined with pakistan and tried to destroy India, but not with the fellow countrymen who didn't treat them equally 100 years ago. I dont understand the reason why.
When Dr.BR Ambedkars statue was broken, there was big riot, do any one of the rioters know what Dr.BR Ambedkar said. The other sad part here is the educated people are not encouraging the illiterates to study. They demand for quota level to be raised in IIT and IIM, but not in the school and elementry level. This means only educated backward caste members will be benefited, but the poor and the needy still remain the same, they can simply say we have this much % of seats reserved for us, but actually do their son or daughter can study there.
Why iam writing this article - i came across a posting on orkut,posted by SW engineer, who says fcs should be removed from the country. Here come the highlight he is posting it from UK.
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